How Should I Approach an Interested Party?
If you are approached by someone interested in exchanging houses with you, there will be some initial questions you will need to ask. As a starting point, do the following:
- Contact the owner directly with the details HouseWeb e-mails you.
- Confirm their details, (especially the information which is of interest to you).
- Check to make sure the information they have supplied is accurate.
- Negotiate the duration of stay. Often people can change their
duration to fit in with exchanges, especially if it saves them money instead renting accommodation.
- Ask questions such about ownership of the property and property/car insurance.
- Find out about the neighbours.
- You may wish to exchange photocopies of documents to confirm that you live at the address stated. This is for the benefit if both parties and gives you some piece of mind.
- Ask if you have to leave the property unoccupied for more than a short time.
- If feasible, try get a local person to visit the property personally and report back to you (ensure the owners agree to such a visit).
- Ask for additional photographs of the property, if desired.
If you meet your visitors personally at some stage, it will always be a benefit.