HouseWeb Testimonials

"Straightforward and easy, plenty of help and support. I saved over £5,000"

Mr Robert sold his house in Forest Row, East Sussex. He told us:

"As soon as I decided to sell, I had no reservations in using the internet, especially after a ridiculously low valuation from a local agent who clearly did not ‘get’ the house or appreciate what made it special. I decided to use HouseWeb following a recommendation in the Sunday Times. The process was straightforward and easy with plenty of help and support.

I found the process less stressful as I was in control all the time and able to deal with people. I did wonder when the mortgage problems started whether I would have been better off with someone to advise me, but in fact it worked out fine. I did not need an estate agent at any stage and there is nothing they can do which you can’t do better yourself. I saved in excess of £5,000”.

Mr Robert used the HouseWeb For Sale board to maximise his enquiries:

"I recommend purchasing a board, especially if there is any passing traffic. I got a lot of enquiries from my board from people passing my gate when walking their children to school.” 

He concluded:

 “I really like the site and thought it excellent value for money. I am a well-satisfied customer.”

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